Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Anyhow, thanks to paleo awesomeness, I'm about ten pounds away from pre-baby weight. I'm actually pretty happy with this because generally, it takes me a year and a day to get down to that weight. By a year and a day, I actually mean about eighteen months, so really six months is pretty good. I think the only reason this happened faster is because I started  paleo sooner this time around.

I want to accelerate the process a bit though because I'm in a wedding in like...a month, and the dress might be less than flattering for my post-baby midsection.

Spanx, what?

I just looked around the internet for a picture of someone in like thirty four pairs of Spanx, and I didn't find it, and I was too lazy to keep looking.

So imagine that.

Because that's going to be me.

Overall plan:
  • Fairly strict paleo+ occassional wine
  • Walk every day at work during lunch
  • 15 minutes of toning a day
  • A ridiculous amount of water
  • Food logging (it makes me more accountable and less likely to shove random crap in my face.)


Today's foodness:
4 pieces of Jones sausage. I know it's processed, but it doesn't have any gluten, dairy, msg, or truly weird shit in it, and that's ok. Also, it is MICROWAVABLE.

That's so far.

Let's be honest: I'll probably nom a handful of macadamia nuts as soon as I walk in the door.

For dinner we're having frozen meatloaf (egg-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo), sweet potato fries, and some sort of vegetable. Maybe brussel sprouts, French green beans, or asparagus, along with several fistfulls of salad greens, which I do when I am too lazy to make an actual salad. I figure it keeps them from going bad, and it keeps me eating salad greens. Win-win?

Also, can I get an 'Amen' on the whole already made frozen dinner thing? I'll get home, pop it all in the oven to heat up, and get the munchkins all bathed up. With any luck, after they scoot off to bed, I'll be able to enjoy a glass of wine and an episode of Downton Season 2.

Now, I'm going to get on my soap box about sardines.  First off, Americans don't eat enough fish. I don't know why. I'm not even going to get in to that. The annoying thing about it is if I eat them at work, I have to sneak off into a corner far away and eat them and then chuck the can in a garbage can that is super remote so no one is like "Ewwww! You ate fish." And yes, I am the best coworker ever.

Bottom line is you should consider eating sardines because:
  • Low in mercury and pcbs
  • Super high in omega 3s, coenzyme q10, calcium, potassium, vitamin D, iron, b12, and protein
  • No preparation or fancy storage, which is perfect for super lazy people like me. I put them in my desk drawer, and then I eat them with a fork and throw them away. AWESOME.
  • Also, this particular brand doesn't have the head, is sustainably harvested, AND comes in a BPA-free tin.
Seriously, a can has about 50% of my rda of calcium, 25% of my iron (and yes I realize they are competing nutrients, but whatever), 25 g of protein, about 280 calories, and 688 mg of DHA. Idk. I'm lazy. They're easy. They're a non-dairy calcium source (I don't do dairy), and they're low in contaminants (I'm breastfeeding), so they're kind of perfect.  Also, I think they taste good, which is always a bonus. Try them.

End rant.

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