Thursday, April 23, 2015

My neck went out yesterday, and it sucks.

I'm here at work with a heating pad on. Booo.

I'd take off, but I basically have no time yet and need to hoard it until some of my time gets replenished in May, which fortunately isn't that far away.

It will definitely put a crimp in my workout routine, stretching aside.

Bfast: A few pieces of lox (mostly for anti-inflammatory  benefit) and black coffee
Lunch: turkey, avocado, and a little mayo rolled up in nori, also a few pistachios
Bvg: green tea
Dinner: I'm hoping to talk everyone into ordering Pio Pio. Messed up neck=no cooking.
Bvg: wine
Supplements: gonna do 2 turmerics today for pain, then mg/ca/d/k/pso/fo at night.

Bfast: none? Black coffee
Lunch: big no carb salad
Snack: none
Dinner: chicken, sweet potato, asparagus, a little mashed potato, some avocado, and a dash of pulled pork WHOoooo leftover night!
Dessert: a few tablespoons of leftover vegan chocolate pudding
Bvg: 2 glasses of wine, for my neck of course
Bad on water.

I did do my Mutu and squats though before my neck went out.

Friday, April 17, 2015

At least it's Friday

Today I have the great joy of paying to wear jeans to work, and I'm actually excited about and am actually paying to wear said jeans.

What has become of my life?

I mean, it's for charity, but still.

Feeling crazy bloated. I think it's just some mid cycle awesomeness and hope it passes quickly.I completely sucked at drinking water yesterday and don't think that's helping.

Exercise yesterday--I actually did alright. I did my Mutu Core, good mornings w/ 20 lbs 2x12, 40 lbs bench press 3x12, 20 lbs bent row 3x12, 20 lbs shoulder press 3x12, 20 lbs bicep curls 3x12. So at least there is that.

Exercise plan for today: yoga or running, light upper body, leg lifts, and Mutu Core.

Food today:
Bfast: NOT GOOD. Woke up with a crazy headache, so ate a piece of toast (70) to take motrin, 1 hashbrown (130), 2 sausage (160). So like 400 calories and probably around 25g total carbs, around 22.5 net g carbs. Not great.
Lunch: Must have no carbs. Salad.
Bvg: green tea
Water at work: 80 oz
Dinner: Burgers?

Yesterday: food was so on point
Bfast: whatever I had? 3 pieces of lox
Lunch: Spinach and chili w/ avocado. Weird combo, right?
Snack: none.
Dinner: spaghetti squash, shrimp, broccoli, and coconut cream sauce
Bvg: 1 glass of wine

Thursday, April 16, 2015

chronically dehydrated?


Maybe more water.

It's so annoying to stick with a "diet" when you don't appear to be seeing any progress.

I feel like I'm hella bloated though, so today I'm really going to push the water. Maybe 80 oz during work and see how the weigh in goes tomorrow.

Today's was not great, and yesterday's food was so on point.

Bfast: 3 pieces of lox, black coffee
Lunch: spinach, sardines, olives, avocado, balsamic
Bvg: green tea
Dinner: spaghetti squash, shrimp, coconut cream sauce, broccoli
Bvg: 1 glass red wine
Supps: multi, turmeric, pso, CaMgKD

Note that this is crazy low carb and high in veggies and protein.

Bfast: 3 sausage links, black coffee
Lunch: salad w/ greens, chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, olive oil & balsamic
Bvg: green tea
Dinner: turkey and veggie chili (no beans- so good!) w/ avocado and fake cheese
Bvg: 2 glasses of red wine
Supps: multi, turmeric, pso

See? So on point. I didn't even do a snack because we ate dinner so early, which was key, although the scale tells another story.

Exercise yesterday: core Mutu, squats, leg lifts

Exercise plan for today: core Mutu, run 1 mile, bench, lats

Now I'm going to fill my water bottle and get to work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Today is a day for music.

It's sunny, clear, and  beautiful.

Allergies suck.

On the upside though, I got my shot today. Got one last week. Hoping to get one on Friday.

If I go through and get one shot per week, I'll be done in October, which is just stupid. I'm hoping I can blow through the first several by doing two a week and maybe finish in August or September so I can get on maintenance because this once a week stuff is crap.

Breakfast: 3 pieces Jones sausage (250 calories), black coffee
Lunch: salad with chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and black olives w/ oil and vinegar (no carbs so far!)
Bvg: green tea
Snack: 1 pack TJs wasabi seaweed
Dinner: turkey and veggie chili (no beans), w/ guac and fake cheese and a few plantain chips
Bvg: 1 glass wine

Breakfast: Larabar, black coffee
Lunch: Giant salad w/ eggs, chicken, guac, greens, tomato, mushroom
Bvg: green tea
Snack: 1/4 cup pistachios
Dinner: grilled chicken drumsticks, carrots, peas
Dessert: Literally one bite of brownie and one bite of coconut ice cream

So yesterday was Ben and Jerry's ice cream day. My kids insisted, and I can't be the food police all the time. After I doled out appropriate amounts to the kids, I left a tiny bit for myself because I don't want them to see me as someone who is so diet obsessed that I won't eat something like that. I want to be a healthy example. So I had a teensy bit.I probably could have axed dessert or at least the pistachios in retrospect, but I think the dessert part was a good example.

Yesterday I did manage to do Mutu core/squats, but that's it. I didn't get around to my bench press and lats yesterday.

Today I've done half my Mutu work. I also hope to run one mile, finish mutu, and do my bench and lats. Upper body work tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Feels Like Monday Again

But at least I look cute.

I'm not into any of that OOTD shit, but my fashion game is on point today.

Cobalt pencil skirt, leopard flats, white peplum shell, black cardigan, simple statement necklace. So cute.

Ok, so just in case people are reading this and judging me for not writing about my life, this is primarily a food journaling blog. That is what this is. Every now and then I may regale you with some stuff about my pretty awesome life, but that's not really what this is overall.

Ok, so on to all that.

So my general rule right now is to stop fucking eating when I'm full and to not fucking eat if I'm not hungry. As someone who was trained to clear my plate and an overall people pleaser, neither of these is my strong suit. Also, more vegetables.

LOOK AT MY FUCKING RAINBOW. I was pleased to learn that both my red wine and my green tea apparently count toward my rainbow because plants. So there. I wonder if coffee counts toward my rainbow? And chocolate? Although I guess brown and black aren't a part of the rainbow. So I guess there's that. Anyway, the whole point behind my rainbow effort is to make sure I get enough veggies in. With paleo, it's very easy to look at your day and realize you accidentally ate a bunch of bacon, eggs, and meat because it's delicious and easy. Oh, and potatoes, because potatoes are apparently paleo now, which is awesome. In terms of red wine, I'm going to keep with my one glass on weeknights for a bit and see how that goes. If I don't lose weight, I'll continue to ax it. I'm also thinking about including a cup of peppermint tea after dinner to keep me from picking at the kids' food. I think it's a part of my plate clearing problem, and that shit needs to stop.

Breakfast: I was actually hungry today, so 1 Larabar and black coffee
Bvg: Green tea
Lunch: organic salad greens, sardines, olives, 1/4 avocado Lunch with the hubby! Salad greens with egg, avocado, red peppermushroom, and chicken. I'm SO FULL.
Snack: fucking none (if I must cave, celery or seaweed. Must be a vegetable. Follow up with seltzer.) Salad was huge. NO snacks.
Dinner:organic chicken legs and....some sort of vegetable. Something green. Or orange. Carrots maybe?
Adult Beverage: 1 glass of wine

Review of yesterday:
Bfast: eggs, spinach, garlic, fake cheese, coffee
Bvg: Green tea
Lunch: 1 grassfed beef patty over spinach with half a tomato, a quarter of avocado & a clementine
Snack: Maybe a 1/4 cup of pistachios
Dinner: Turkey/pork shepherd's (peas & carrots on top) pie with a side of broccoli 
Bvg: 1 glass red wine
Dessert: the world's smallest square of coconut milk fudge. Seriously it was practically the size of a pencil eraser. I deserve massive amounts of cred for this because Dan broke out the tupperware of gluten free, dairy free, vegan, soy free caramel chocolate brownies his sister made the other day and generously sent with us, and I ate ZERO of them because I am discipline in human form. I am a fucking hero.

I didn't suck at life in terms of my exercise yesterday, so that was pretty good.

  • Leg lifts, squats
  • Mutu Core 1, 2 sets
Plan for today:
  • Mutu Core 1 (so far I've done one set)
  • Squats and hip thrusts
  • Bench press and Lats

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday and too soon!

After a weekend in Brooklyn and Astoria, I feel like I could definitely use another day.

If I had any time at all, I totally would have taken today off, but no dice.

That being said, the weekend was awesome.

We went down to Brooklyn to visit my friends and their munchkins, the youngest of whom is my goddaughter, who just turned two. While the drive down was longer (partly due to my poor navigating and the inevitable traffic) than it should have been, the trip was pleasant.
Good company and lots of wine. We might end up vacationing together in Jamaica. The next day we took the kids to Prospect Park. I felt like I was in an episode of Portlandia.

We then went to visit Dan's sister's family, which was nice too. So much food! Baby was adorable. I ended up spending way too much time outside though, and my allergies really knocked me on my tail.

Then we drove home. I slept most of the way because of said allergies, and that really made the drive go much faster.

Then, when we got home dinner, and Game of Thrones. LOVE.

Anyhow, this week is a major get back on the wagon week.

Breakfast: Omelette made with two organic, pastured eggs, organic spinach, garlic, and fake cheese and black coffee.

Bvg: Organic green tea (just because  I really need more caffeine today)

Lunch: Sardines with spinach, olives, and a bit of avocado and tomato

Bvg: Maybe more green tea? LOTS OF WATER.

Dinner:Shepherd's pie and a big old side of broccoli

Exercise plan: Did some leg lifts and squats this morning. Since dinner is already made, I'd like to run one mile and do some laundry, except I think I might have a PTA meeting? God, I hope I don't have a PTA meeting. I probably have a PTA meeting. BOO.

Friday, April 10, 2015

it's a good day when you think it's Thursday, but it's actually Friday

I think today is Thursday.

Shit, no, it's Friday. In my defense, I had Monday off, so it feels like a Thursday even though it's a Friday, which is like a special little gift. Usually it's the other day around, so YAY FRIDAY.


Breakfast: None. I've decided to stop eating when I'm completely not hungry. Black coffee.
Lunch: NOM. Sauteed kale, roast beef, 1/2 a tomato, kalmata olives, olive oil, sea salt. So good.
Snack: 1/4 cup of pistachios. That's right people..I actually measured them.
Dinner: Maybe like four ribs in sauce I made myself, olive oil and garlic roasted green beans, and sweet potato coins.
Evening Beverage: ONE glass of red wine

I feel pretty good about all of that overall. I didn't do my green tea, and I probably didn't do enough water during the day, but overall I did okay. I managed to fit like ten minutes of strength training in, which I guess is okay.

I don't remember if I last wrote on Wednesday or Tuesday, so I guess I'll go with updating Wednesday too.

Bfast: I thought I ate none, but I could be wrong.
Lunch: Sauteed spinach, chicken, tomato, and kalmata olives
Snack: None
Dinner: All you can eat sushi. So good but so bad.
Adult Beverages: A little cold sake and a glass of red wine.

All in all, not bad aside from the exercise in gluttony that was dinner.

Plan for today?

Breakfast: None. Wasn't hungry.
Lunch: I'll probably let Dan have the ribs and green beans that are left over. I'll have some sort of a spinach egg veggie oriented thing. No carbs, lots of veggies. Yes, please.
Snack: Could we not?
Dinner: Maybe some sort of thing with roasted broccoli, olive oil, and turkey/pork meatballs. The meatballs are made and defrosted, soooooo.
Adult Beverage: One glass of red wine...It's Friday, so maybe two.

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
Lunch: MORE SPINACH, maybe with some avocado?
Snack: NONE
Dinner: Whatever Donielle is making. I think chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.
Adult Beverages: SO MUCH WINE.

I'm feeling good about my little diet plan. I hope it works because I'm feeling sort of massive. I mean, I'm not, but I'm a little bit on the larger side of where I like to be, and the weight gain has to stop before I end up in my larger clothes. That's not the direction you want to be moving in when Spring/Summer is coming. Plus, I never get to work out. Bleh.

I'm going to super push the water and green tea today. Ixnay on the bloat and promotes awesome skin....possibly boosts metabolism and diminishes hunger. Can you tell I'm trying to trick myself into drinking water? We are going to Brooklyn to see friends this weekend, in particular, my super skinny friend and her family. I always feel self conscious around her even when I'm at a good weight, so....

Otherwise, not much going on. Work is pretty obnoxious at the moment. Getting some major heat on time sheets. Probably not worth the stress. I've applied for some things so fingers crossed. Allergies aren't terrible yet. Sleep is crap. I wish Joshy would stop getting up at 4am and then 6am, because sleeping from midnight to 4am isn't cutting it for me. I AM TIRED. I mean, it's only 10 am, and I' m already ready for my next coffee.

I think I'll stick with my one glass of wine. That seems good. I'm also doing pretty well with not eating when I'm full, so I'm thinking that's good too. Hopefully soon I'll start seeing some results from that.

Also, OMFG Game of Thrones starts this Sunday. PRIORITIES.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Monday and a package

I am so effing tired.

Everyone here is talking about the late nights they've been pulling recently because of Budget season, but with all the kids, I basically feel like I gave up sleep several years ago and never looked back.

The thing is though, when other people are whining about how hard they have it, they don't want to be diminished, and chances are, they don't care how late you stayed up with your kids.  So...I just say wow like they want, stifle my yawn and move on.

Story of my life.

Anyhow, my bridesmaid dress arrived in the mail this morning, and I am terrified to try it on. It is chiffon, and it has cross body pleats, which I am certain will open up to highlight any protrusions (post baby pouch). Yay.
Yay. So apparently every spring I get a random idea that maybe I should start blogging again. It probably has something to do with Spring and swimsuit season and the (completely unrandom, totally predictable) health kick I go on every spring.

Actually, didn't I write like two years ago? So maybe it's an every two years thing? Idk.

So yeah, let's do that again.

Breakfast: NOTHING. Well, not nothing. Black coffee. Honestly I was just straight up not hungry, so I just didn't go there.

Lunch: 3 egg omelette with organic spinach, 1/2 a tomato, and some Daiya cheese. Also a few leftover french fries.\

Afternoon bvg: Organic green tea. I keep trying to make this a thing. I don't see why it's so hard. I mean, it's good for you. It's supposed to make the metabolism happen, and it's generally anti-inflammatory, so I should just drink it. Plus, it has a small amount of caffeine, and Joshy is a terrible sleeper and wakes me at ungodly hours still, and I need all the help I can get.

NO SNACK. Maybe shove some spinach in my face, along with lots of water so that I'm not actively hungry when I got to the ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI PLACE. Omg. Such a bad idea, but at least I don't have to make dinner.


Overall health goals:

  1. Track food here in order to prevent mindless face stuffing out of boredom, sleepiness, and stress. Also portion control sort of.
  2. Only eat when hungry. Stop eating when not hungry. 
  3. Do Mutu. I really should. I mean, it's not that hard. 
  4. Dedicate 15-20 minutes to fitness EVERY DAY, even if it's broken up. 
  5. Drink more water. 40 oz at work a day.
  6. Drink green tea in the afternoon. 

Other goals:
  1. Write more lists.
  2. Don't buy tons of stuff I don't need.
  3. Do a complete overhaul of the closet/dressers.
  4. Get a job that pays more and requires less work. 
  5. Be an awesome person, wife, mom, etc. 
  6. Practice my Spanish! 
  7. Make an effort to keep in touch with the three or four people I don't hate. 
At least I got one out of the way. That's good!

Oh! The wedding I was in forever ago! I looked terrible! Also, my son almost went into anaphylactic shock from eating beef. Good news: we discovered the source of his seemingly random allergic reactions.

Also, I'm getting my hernia fixed in like a month. That might be good. Maybe.