Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Starting with a whimper

Honestly, not a lot to say here.

At one point, I used to food journal, and it worked for me. Also, I liked writing down my random musings.  Later on, I actually had a proper blog where I tracked readership and stuff (www.shinyhappyliving.com), and I had so many issues with hosting and other stuff that it just got away from me.

I wanted it to be a health blog/paleo blog/mom blog, but at the end of the day,let's face it:
  1.  I am not a photographer. In fact, my photos kind of suck, and I am NOT going to spend 2k on a camera that my kids will probably break so that I can spend two hours I don't have photographing my food while it gets cold. NOT HAPPENING.
  2. I don't know html or code or java or fucking whatever. I AM NOT A COMPUTER PROGRAMMER. I mean...really, I just like to hear myself talk. Or read my writing. Or whatever. I can't deal with all that other crap.
  3. I am cheap. The blog wasn't making like soooo much money that I was gonna pay someone to fix it for me, and dreamhost was all like...fix it yourself, which I didn't.
  4. I have a full time job and three kids. This means that I am not going to be making my own fermented ketchup with organic hydroponic tomatoes that I grew in my yard. This is also why you won't see me telling you about the fifteen miles I ran in the rain. Instead you'll hear me telling you I'm so excited I did fifteen bicep curls or something.
  5. I also don't have time to be effing around with reddit, stumble upon, and all that other crap to artificially get my hit counts up so that I can get advertisers, so that it will actually be worth my time to be on the computer while my kids are murdering each other in my living room (thank God for hardwood floors.).
So yeah. There's that.

A little about me...I'm married to a wonderful man, and I have three kids. I'm sure if you continue to read here, you'll learn a lot about all of them.

My youngest is almost six months old, and I'm trying to lose the last bit of baby weight. Woooo...to that end, you'll probably read about my futile attempts to exercise and lose weight. Sorry in advance.

Also, I do the whole Paleo thing, so I'll probably be going on about that too.

But just so you know...
  1. I'm not a make-your-own-ketchup paleo.
  2. I'm not an everything grassfed paleo. I mean, it would be nice, but it's just not feasible. I'm not going to default on my mortgage over meat.
  3. While our house is gluten free (husband's allergies), dairy free (everyone), and egg free (mostly due to son's issues), we occassionally have rice or potatoes or the odd baked good with either almond flour or *gasp* gluten free all purpose.

Some other things...

I'm old enough to know better but young enough to wish I didn't.

I like wine, black coffee, and dark chocolate.

In my former life, I liked reading, drawing, yoga, pilates, cooking, and spending too much on clothes and beauty products, the latter of which I would never use.

I like propper grammar, and I like lists.


This should probably be in the "About Me" section, but I haven't figured that part out yet.

So yeah. 
*Awkwardly waves goodbye and shuffles off*

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