Friday, April 17, 2015

At least it's Friday

Today I have the great joy of paying to wear jeans to work, and I'm actually excited about and am actually paying to wear said jeans.

What has become of my life?

I mean, it's for charity, but still.

Feeling crazy bloated. I think it's just some mid cycle awesomeness and hope it passes quickly.I completely sucked at drinking water yesterday and don't think that's helping.

Exercise yesterday--I actually did alright. I did my Mutu Core, good mornings w/ 20 lbs 2x12, 40 lbs bench press 3x12, 20 lbs bent row 3x12, 20 lbs shoulder press 3x12, 20 lbs bicep curls 3x12. So at least there is that.

Exercise plan for today: yoga or running, light upper body, leg lifts, and Mutu Core.

Food today:
Bfast: NOT GOOD. Woke up with a crazy headache, so ate a piece of toast (70) to take motrin, 1 hashbrown (130), 2 sausage (160). So like 400 calories and probably around 25g total carbs, around 22.5 net g carbs. Not great.
Lunch: Must have no carbs. Salad.
Bvg: green tea
Water at work: 80 oz
Dinner: Burgers?

Yesterday: food was so on point
Bfast: whatever I had? 3 pieces of lox
Lunch: Spinach and chili w/ avocado. Weird combo, right?
Snack: none.
Dinner: spaghetti squash, shrimp, broccoli, and coconut cream sauce
Bvg: 1 glass of wine

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