Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Feels Like Monday Again

But at least I look cute.

I'm not into any of that OOTD shit, but my fashion game is on point today.

Cobalt pencil skirt, leopard flats, white peplum shell, black cardigan, simple statement necklace. So cute.

Ok, so just in case people are reading this and judging me for not writing about my life, this is primarily a food journaling blog. That is what this is. Every now and then I may regale you with some stuff about my pretty awesome life, but that's not really what this is overall.

Ok, so on to all that.

So my general rule right now is to stop fucking eating when I'm full and to not fucking eat if I'm not hungry. As someone who was trained to clear my plate and an overall people pleaser, neither of these is my strong suit. Also, more vegetables.

LOOK AT MY FUCKING RAINBOW. I was pleased to learn that both my red wine and my green tea apparently count toward my rainbow because plants. So there. I wonder if coffee counts toward my rainbow? And chocolate? Although I guess brown and black aren't a part of the rainbow. So I guess there's that. Anyway, the whole point behind my rainbow effort is to make sure I get enough veggies in. With paleo, it's very easy to look at your day and realize you accidentally ate a bunch of bacon, eggs, and meat because it's delicious and easy. Oh, and potatoes, because potatoes are apparently paleo now, which is awesome. In terms of red wine, I'm going to keep with my one glass on weeknights for a bit and see how that goes. If I don't lose weight, I'll continue to ax it. I'm also thinking about including a cup of peppermint tea after dinner to keep me from picking at the kids' food. I think it's a part of my plate clearing problem, and that shit needs to stop.

Breakfast: I was actually hungry today, so 1 Larabar and black coffee
Bvg: Green tea
Lunch: organic salad greens, sardines, olives, 1/4 avocado Lunch with the hubby! Salad greens with egg, avocado, red peppermushroom, and chicken. I'm SO FULL.
Snack: fucking none (if I must cave, celery or seaweed. Must be a vegetable. Follow up with seltzer.) Salad was huge. NO snacks.
Dinner:organic chicken legs and....some sort of vegetable. Something green. Or orange. Carrots maybe?
Adult Beverage: 1 glass of wine

Review of yesterday:
Bfast: eggs, spinach, garlic, fake cheese, coffee
Bvg: Green tea
Lunch: 1 grassfed beef patty over spinach with half a tomato, a quarter of avocado & a clementine
Snack: Maybe a 1/4 cup of pistachios
Dinner: Turkey/pork shepherd's (peas & carrots on top) pie with a side of broccoli 
Bvg: 1 glass red wine
Dessert: the world's smallest square of coconut milk fudge. Seriously it was practically the size of a pencil eraser. I deserve massive amounts of cred for this because Dan broke out the tupperware of gluten free, dairy free, vegan, soy free caramel chocolate brownies his sister made the other day and generously sent with us, and I ate ZERO of them because I am discipline in human form. I am a fucking hero.

I didn't suck at life in terms of my exercise yesterday, so that was pretty good.

  • Leg lifts, squats
  • Mutu Core 1, 2 sets
Plan for today:
  • Mutu Core 1 (so far I've done one set)
  • Squats and hip thrusts
  • Bench press and Lats

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