Friday, April 10, 2015

it's a good day when you think it's Thursday, but it's actually Friday

I think today is Thursday.

Shit, no, it's Friday. In my defense, I had Monday off, so it feels like a Thursday even though it's a Friday, which is like a special little gift. Usually it's the other day around, so YAY FRIDAY.


Breakfast: None. I've decided to stop eating when I'm completely not hungry. Black coffee.
Lunch: NOM. Sauteed kale, roast beef, 1/2 a tomato, kalmata olives, olive oil, sea salt. So good.
Snack: 1/4 cup of pistachios. That's right people..I actually measured them.
Dinner: Maybe like four ribs in sauce I made myself, olive oil and garlic roasted green beans, and sweet potato coins.
Evening Beverage: ONE glass of red wine

I feel pretty good about all of that overall. I didn't do my green tea, and I probably didn't do enough water during the day, but overall I did okay. I managed to fit like ten minutes of strength training in, which I guess is okay.

I don't remember if I last wrote on Wednesday or Tuesday, so I guess I'll go with updating Wednesday too.

Bfast: I thought I ate none, but I could be wrong.
Lunch: Sauteed spinach, chicken, tomato, and kalmata olives
Snack: None
Dinner: All you can eat sushi. So good but so bad.
Adult Beverages: A little cold sake and a glass of red wine.

All in all, not bad aside from the exercise in gluttony that was dinner.

Plan for today?

Breakfast: None. Wasn't hungry.
Lunch: I'll probably let Dan have the ribs and green beans that are left over. I'll have some sort of a spinach egg veggie oriented thing. No carbs, lots of veggies. Yes, please.
Snack: Could we not?
Dinner: Maybe some sort of thing with roasted broccoli, olive oil, and turkey/pork meatballs. The meatballs are made and defrosted, soooooo.
Adult Beverage: One glass of red wine...It's Friday, so maybe two.

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
Lunch: MORE SPINACH, maybe with some avocado?
Snack: NONE
Dinner: Whatever Donielle is making. I think chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.
Adult Beverages: SO MUCH WINE.

I'm feeling good about my little diet plan. I hope it works because I'm feeling sort of massive. I mean, I'm not, but I'm a little bit on the larger side of where I like to be, and the weight gain has to stop before I end up in my larger clothes. That's not the direction you want to be moving in when Spring/Summer is coming. Plus, I never get to work out. Bleh.

I'm going to super push the water and green tea today. Ixnay on the bloat and promotes awesome skin....possibly boosts metabolism and diminishes hunger. Can you tell I'm trying to trick myself into drinking water? We are going to Brooklyn to see friends this weekend, in particular, my super skinny friend and her family. I always feel self conscious around her even when I'm at a good weight, so....

Otherwise, not much going on. Work is pretty obnoxious at the moment. Getting some major heat on time sheets. Probably not worth the stress. I've applied for some things so fingers crossed. Allergies aren't terrible yet. Sleep is crap. I wish Joshy would stop getting up at 4am and then 6am, because sleeping from midnight to 4am isn't cutting it for me. I AM TIRED. I mean, it's only 10 am, and I' m already ready for my next coffee.

I think I'll stick with my one glass of wine. That seems good. I'm also doing pretty well with not eating when I'm full, so I'm thinking that's good too. Hopefully soon I'll start seeing some results from that.

Also, OMFG Game of Thrones starts this Sunday. PRIORITIES.

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